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Lee Bandy


Lee Bandy Board Member and Co-Owner                  "Our RamRod"


Lee was introduced to horses the "old fashioned way", on the family horse breeding farm in the Arnprior area. He worked alongside his father Ellard Bandy to learn the ropes of, not only the breeding operations, but also the hay business. His love of horses led him to apprentice and later work as a Ferrier with Lewis Forrest. This dynamic duo often shoed horses for Ian Miller. Lee carried on in this line of work, attended Kings College for his Ferrier and Blacksmith papers and built a company of his own working as a full time Ferrier and Blacksmith in the Ottawa Valley. Lee Bandy came to be known as the man to call when you had a rough horse.  This cowboy is still very dedicated to the hoof health of our equestrian friends, but hung up the traveling rasp in favor of building a horse quality hay delivery business and breeding program here at our "slice of country" on the Cedarhaven Farms.

Lee has a lifetime of experience handling horses in particular, Stud Horses, Mare Care, Semen Collection, Natural Cover, Artificial Insemination, Mare and Foal care, Green Breaking, Training, Horsemanship, Shoeing and Trimming.

In the course of his work with horses, Lee often wished for a Tack Shop that would have what he wanted, when he needed it, or where he could get it. The quality Leather, Saddles, Bits and Bridles, Boots, Jeans and Hats… everything a horseman needs. The idea of the Tombstone Tack Shop was born once he said these words out loud.


Lee Bandy


Lee's Objective

Besides co-creating "The Ultimate Wild Destination Shopping Experience for Horse Tack", is to ensure we contribute to the betterment of the First Nations Community by selling Native Art and Jewelry in the Tack Shop; collecting change from customers to donate and also by donating the proceeds of selling "Every Child Matters" shirts in the shop.

Lee's Goal

To bring to life the dream of the Levers & Irons gun counter (for all the cowboy action needs) at the Tombstone Tack Shop.

Lee has added to his resume the role of Gunsmith.

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