Karlie Drummond
Karlie Drummond – Shop Associate "our Flank Rider"
K arlie grew up loving and enjoying every minute spent around horses. Growing up on a horse farm until graduating high school, she always wanted to be in a profession involving horses!
When not around the Tombstone Tack Shop she is an REMT, Registered Equine Massage Therapist! After successfully finishing the two year equine massage therapy program at Rios College in London Ontario, Karlie completed her registration exams giving her the title of REMT.
Karlie loves to help any and all horses to feel their best, either massaging with my hands or helping their owners out in the shop to pick out the best options.
Karlie's horse knowledge is a great asset in her role as part-time Associate in the Tombstone Tack Shop.
Karlie Drummond
Shop Associate
Karlie's Objective
Besides to help create "The Ultimate Wild Destination Shopping Experience for Horse Tack" is to ensure that horses and their owners receive excellent service from the shop.
Karlie's Goal
is to have a successfully built business with all the focus on the horses.